
Welcome to the colourful world of Manga-Comic-Con. For four days we'd like to celebrate your passion! What is there to experience? Numerous new publications by large publishers. Signing sessions with your stars. Exciting series at the Anime Cinema. Colourful cosplayers. And plenty of workshops. You all have so much imagination – and we have an entire hall for it. We look forward to seeing you!

MCC is part of Leipzig Book Fair . So you can dive into the literary hustle and bustle whenever you like. The next Manga-Comic-Con will take place from 27th to 30th March 2025.

MaCoCo posiert auf der Treppe mit dem Jubiläumsmotiv der Manga-Comic-Con 2024
Exhibitor registration

Take part in this event highlight for all manga and comic fans from 27 - 30 March 2025 and join a large, colourful community!

Register now
Aussteller im Gespräch mit Cosplayer:in an einem Messestand für Kinderbücher auf der Manga-Comic-Con 2024
Your advantages

Why is Manga-Comic-Con exactly the right trade fair for your portfolio?

Discover your advantages
Zwei junge Frauen stehen vor einem Bücherregal und schauen sich einen Comic an.
Plan your stand
Find out what your options are and choose the perfect way to present your products and services.
Overview: plan your stand
  • Nahaufnahme einer Zeichnung von zwei Mangafiguren, die gerade zuende gestellt wird. Rechts sind Stifte zu sehen.
    New Artist Alley
    The New Artist Alley is the place for discovering creative talents in the manga and comics scene. Apply now until 6 September 2024 - participation is limited to 80 spots!
    Register now
  • Manga-Comic-Con Shop
    Find totes, notebooks, flasks and much more with our current Macoco prints in our online shop
    Get your favourite pieces

Dates & Facts

  • Leading spring event for the manga and comics industry
  • In conjunction with the Leipzig Book Fair and the Antiquarian Book Fair
  • Overall, the Leipzig Book Fair and the Leipzig liest reading festival attracted 283,000 visitors.
  • For 38 % of visitors, the MCC was their main reason for travelling to Leipzig.
  • Around 40% of MCC visitors wore cosplay costumes.
  • 48% regularly attend the event, while 26% were first-time visitors.
  • A total of 450 exhibitors from 21 different countries took part (publishers, manufacturers, retailers and artists).
  • There were around 230 events, including workshops, signing sessions, talks, how-to-draw sessions and interviews.
  • Exhibition areas: manga, comics, anime, cosplay & drawing accessories, games, fashion, merchandise
  • Next events:
    • from 27 - 30 March 2025
    • from 19 - 22 March 2026

Impressions of Manga-Comic-Con 2024

Manga-Comic-Con 2026

Manga-Comic-Con will take place from 19 to 22 March 2026.